Campaign Leadership
Rebecca S. Bumsted
Becky, a retired Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist, was born and raised in Towanda, Pennsylvania. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from the University of Pittsburgh and later earned a Master’s degree in Nursing with a concentration in oncology nursing.
As an active community volunteer and fundraiser in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Becky has served on numerous Boards, including Lancaster General Health, Lancaster General Hospital, Lancaster General Health Foundation, Fulton Theater, Lancaster Symphony, Visiting Nurse Association, Hospice and Community Care, and Planned Parenthood.
Becky is a member of First Presbyterian Church, the Daughters of the American Revolution, Lancaster Country Club, and a Sustaining Member of the Junior League of Lancaster. She proudly serves as President of the Willow Valley Communities Charitable Foundation and Co-Chair of the This is Personal Capital Campaign.
Becky and her husband, Joe, became residents of Willow Valley Communities in 2000. After living with diabetes for over 60 years, Joe developed vascular dementia. In 2011, he became a resident in Memory Care at Willow Valley Communities where he lived out his last two years in his journey with dementia.
As an advocate for the highest quality of life, Becky knows that Joe would have benefited greatly from this proposed innovative Memory Care Center. Not only would he have loved the naturally-lit, spacious environment, but the freedom to wander indoors and outdoors as he pleased would have calmed him significantly. With the sense of belonging that the household model will provide, he would have felt dignified and, quite simply, he would have thrived.
William W. Adams
Bill Adams retired as Chairman and President of Armstrong World Industries, after 40 years with the company, the last twelve in senior management. A resident of Lancaster County since 1956, he and his wife, Susan, moved to Willow Valley Communities in April, 2019.
In addition to his work in retirement as consultant to and board member of several businesses, he was also a USGA-certified golf official and taught in the MBA program in the College of Business at the University of Tennessee.
He wrote 80 guest columns for the Lancaster Sunday News. Three of his plays were performed at Lancaster’s Ware Center.
His volunteer work since 1958 has served Lancaster Boy Scouts, Bright Side Opportunities Center, Domestic Violence Services, Lancaster United Way, WTF Public Broadcasting, Opera Lancaster, the Lancaster Symphony, the Lancaster Alliance, Workforce Investment Board, Susquehanna Gateway Historic Association Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce, Pennsylvanians for Effective Government, the Pennsylvania Roundtable, the National Association of Corporate Directors and the National Association of Manufacturers.
Has been active in evangelism, Bible studies, community outreach and international mission (Kenya) at First Presbyterian Church of Lancaster.
Bill’s commitment to the success of the campaign for the Memory Care Center
is based both on his father’s experience with dementia and his conviction that the Center will be an historic step forward in transforming the lives of those in dementia – and their care givers. “This is an exceptional current and close opportunity to support a venture greater than ourselves, to give additional meaning to our lives.”
Campaign Executive Committee
- William W. Adams, Chair
- Rebecca S. Bumsted
- Vice Admiral Daniel L. Cooper
- Franklin L. Fox
- Dr. Clark McSparren
- Charles E. Smith II
- Henry H. Spire
- Gail K. Sterman
- George H. Zook
Campaign Steering Committee
- Rebecca S. Bumsted, Chair
- William W. Adams
- Nancy S. Arnold
- Richard P. Coyne
- Clydene J. Edmonds
- Charles B. Hill
- Eleanor D. Isaacson
- Dwight E. Jasmann
- Barbara C. Linder
- Kristen M. Loose
- Jean Y. Morgan
- Lois T. Morgan
- Edward WS Neff
- Elizabeth “Betsy” Pfromm
- Katharina J. Sabino
- Rachel J. Williams
Campaign Communications Committee
- Dr. Clark McSparren, Co-Chair
- Katharina J. Sabino, Co-Chair
- Carol Aastad
- Yashwant V. Amin
- Fiona Grant Boltz
- Gloria E. Degler
- H. Peter DeGreen
- Henry F. Geyer
- Edgar L. Grove
- Geraldine Holman
- Eleanor D. Isaacson
- Ruth McRobbie
- Richard Narvett
- Jane L. Neuwirth
- Judy M. Peterson
- Carol H. Reeves
- Patsy L. Richards
- Jack I. Stern
- Barbara A. Stickler
Honorary Committee
- Juanita Angelini
- Ann B. Barshinger
- Heike and Fred Bloom
- Phil and Janet Calhoun
- Elizabeth A. Keen
- Sue McDonald
- Paul A. Mueller, Jr.
- Marianne S. Nolt
- Vesta H. Phiel
- Robert C. Scala
- Dr. Paul R. and Sharon Sherban
- Janice C. Stork
- Marlin H. and Doris A. Thomas
Project Team
- David W. Haverstick
- Kristen M. Loose
- Lauren A. Renehan
- Mary Schreiber
- John G. Swanson